Months of preparations are over! Passport is valid and visa has been stamped just a few days ago at Iranian Embassy in Prague. All the luggage was packed few days prior to departure to ease off the initial stress. Now just finish all the work and hand it to my colleague David to fight it for next month...
Some friends at work are joking that i may not come. This makes me think about what am I actually going to do. Why would somebody go to a country which is constantly presented as the most evil country in the world on news every week? What if something is going to happen when we're thousands of kilometers away in unfriendly country? There are no bank-machines which accepts European credit cards. What if we will not have enough cash to return to Turkey? What if somebody rob us?
But I am not afraid about the people. At least I am less afraid about Persians than about people in Europe. There are only two things I am afraid of before the trip. Sweaty bottom is the one and it can really make your life very unpleasant. But I am prepared for that. I have bargained a goat-fur when I was in Tunisia earlier this year. The second is much worse and harder to fight with. I am afraid of getting sleepy while driving. When I imagine driving 400-500km every day for following month I am really not sure if I can handle that without closing my eyes for not even a second. Well I have decided to go so we'll see about that. The most difficult thing about traveling is actually to make the decision to go!

New adventures are awaiting and my mind is clear to accept whatever lies ahead...
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